Are there orphans in your wardrobe?
Have you ever looked in your closet, only to realize that you have a ton of clothes that still haven’t been worn yet? It can be frustrating to feel like you have spent money on these pieces and you haven’t been able to enjoy them.
The question is – Why haven’t you?
Sometimes we get seduced into buying pieces because of the colour, the style we ‘want to wear’, the sale price or we were encouraged to buy it by someone else.
Every item in your wardrobe should be able to connect with at least two other pieces and you should love it and want to wear it. So here are some tips to help you figure out if you really love it and will wear it.
Record for 30 days everything you wear. This is a fun project as you can also take photos of your outfits and so you can have a record of what your wore, on what day. When you replace it in your wardrobe, turn the hanger around facing the other way and so you know you have worn this piece.
Put aside all of the clothes that you wore for 30 days -you may be surprised how little you wore!
Take Inventory: Start by taking everything out of your closet and creating piles of clothes. Group them by type, such as tops, bottoms, dresses, and outerwear. (This will give you a clear idea of what you have and what you might be missing.)
Try Them On: Once you have your piles, start trying on your clothes. Pay attention to how they fit, how they feel, and how they make you feel. Do you feel confident and comfortable in them, or do you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable? Are they outdated or have you kept them for sentimental reasons?
Identify orphan pieces: As you try on your clothes, ask yourself why you haven’t worn each item. Maybe it doesn’t go with anything else you currently have. Maybe it’s just not your style and you need to let it go. Maybe it doesn’t fit you ? Make decisions. Only have an item in your hand for less than 5 secs when your trying to make a decisions.
Get Rid of Clothes You Don't Love, and these will probably include the orphans: You can donate them, sell them, or give them away. This will make room in your closet for the clothes you actually love and will wear.
By taking inventory, trying on clothes, identifying your favourite pieces, and getting rid of clothes you don't love, you can figure out what clothes you actually love in your wardrobe. This will help you create a more streamlined and personalized wardrobe that reflects your personal style and makes you feel confident and comfortable, and importantly stop you buying any orphans and wasting your money.